In third grade, students find themselves in a realm of heightened independence. Our curriculum involves Eureka Math, Readers and Writers Workshop, Handwriting Without Tears, National Geographic Science, Kindness, Writing, Art, Drama, Music, Jewish Discovery, and Hebrew, offering a well-rounded and engaging learning experience. Students are encouraged to delve into more profound action-research and rigorous independent inquiry, exploring integrated subjects in greater depth. The Project-based Learning units of study become a deep dive into topics that hold personal and community relevance, all of which are framed within the context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
- Fluency across all genres in English Language Arts includes reading, writing, and comprehension.
- Higher level critical thinking and creating rubrics to self-grade, peer grade, and build agency
- Math in multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and word problems demand deep understanding
- Science and Social Sciences are deeply explored and discussed: and projects reflect the growing self-agency of each student